Dustin Woodward - March 16, 2025

Jesus The Truth

Join us as we dive into Jesus' first What does it mean to be born again? In John 3, Nicodemus—a Pharisee and respected teacher—comes to Jesus in the cover of night, seeking answers. Jesus responds with a life-changing truth: No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. In this message, we explore the 4 steps that lead to spiritual rebirth: 1. Confusion About Who Jesus Is – Nicodemus acknowledges Jesus as a teacher from God but doesn’t yet grasp His true identity. 2. Curiosity About Salvation – He struggles with Jesus’ words about being born again, revealing the need for regeneration, not just reformation (Titus 3:5). 3. Conviction of Sin – Just as Moses lifted the bronze serpent in the wilderness, Jesus would be lifted up to bring eternal life to those who believe (John 3:14-15). 4. Conversion from Darkness to Light – The light of Christ calls us out of darkness and into truth (John 3:19-21). Nicodemus' journey didn’t end in that night-time conversation—he later boldly honored Jesus at His burial (John 19:39). His story is a powerful reminder that encountering Jesus transforms us from the inside out. Key Scriptures: John 3:1-7, 14-17 | Titus 3:5 | Romans 3:10

From Series: "This is Jesus"

This is Jesus with Pastor Dustin Woodward from Citizen Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico

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