Welcome to Citizen Church

About Us

Citizen Church is a biblical, dynamic and creative church located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Our Vision

We are a Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Kingdom-building movement, committed to the physical and spiritual renewal of cities and nations, and restoring hope and purpose to every person.

“You are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”


Come Visit Us This Weekend  |  Sundays 9 & 11 AM


Dustin and Mandy Woodward

Pastors Dustin and Mandy

Dustin and Mandy Woodward took on the role as Lead Pastors of Citizen Church in January 2020. Both growing up in the homes of pastors, Dustin and Mandy got to experience first-hand what it takes to lead a church well. Prior to becoming Lead Pastor, Dustin served on staff at Citizen working alongside his parents for 15 years, establishing thriving youth and young adults ministries and playing an integral role in the vision and life of the church. Pastor Mandy has worked tirelessly with the creative team in helping to create atmospheres for people to encounter God.

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Can’t make it to church? We got you covered.

We broadcast our live service every Sunday at 9 and 11 am Mountain Time. Visit our YouTube account to watch live.

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Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified every time we post our teachings. On our YouTube channel you will find over 400 full-length, hi-def video teachings from Citizen Church. With a subscription to our YouTube channel you can watch the messages on every video device you own; Apple TV, ROKU, Chromecast, desktop computers, tablets, phones, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo or other gaming consoles.

We create a playlist for every sermon series so you can enjoy every sermon series in the order it was taught.

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We hope your are edified and drawn closer to Jesus by listening to and watching our library of free sermons.

Mandy Woodward - March 23, 2025

Jesus The Deliverer

Mary Magdalene’s story is one of radical transformation—delivered from darkness, restored by Jesus, and the first to declare His resurrection. Her life reminds us that true freedom comes from our identity in Christ and our closeness to Him. Key Takeaways: Let Jesus define your identity – He restores dignity (Isaiah 43:1). Stay close to Jesus – He empowers you to walk in freedom (2 Peter 1:3). No matter your past, Jesus is your Deliverer! Step into the freedom He offers today.

From Series: "This is Jesus"

This is Jesus with Pastor Dustin Woodward from Citizen Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico

More From "This is Jesus"

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Sundays – 9 & 11 am

We would love to have you come and see what we are all about here at Citizen Church! Let us know you are coming and we will roll out the red carpet! We have a special team of people ready to show you around and help answer any questions you might have.
10500 Copper Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
Call us: (505) 299-7202

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